

Sports Magazines

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Golf Digest
Golf Digest

As low as $1.25 per issue!
Get tips on how to lower your scores from the pros. Only Golf Digest brings you exclusive interviews from world-class players like Price, Els, Watson, Alcott and Woods. This magazine also helps you find the newest golfing equipment, improve your technique and find superior golf courses.

Soccer Digest
Soccer Digest

As low as $3.33 per issue!
For the best coverage of professional and amateur soccer, subscribe to Soccer Digest. Tackle each bi monthly issue with reports on Major League soccer and the World Cup, plus detailed looks at indoor soccer and collegiate and amateur leagues. Great action photography help to make Soccer Digest a must-read for the soccer fan of all ages.

Football Digest
Football Digest

As low as $2.00 per issue!
Take to the fields of battle and play with the best when you subscribe to Football Digest, written and edited for the true fans of professional football. Regular features include: NFL rosters, schedules, player profiles and statistics, action photos, statistics, football "Quick Quiz", crossword puzzle, articles on greats of the past and special interviews with current players, coaches and general managers.


As low as $2.83 per issue!
No publication captures the thrill and exhilaration of body boarding like BodyBoarding magazine. Today's hottest youth bodyboarding magazine features high-skill action photos, instructional pieces, in-depth reports about top boarders and articles about the best beaches and top destinations. For those who love to live on the edge and test their limits against the power of the ocean.


As low as $1.66 per issue!
Bump, set, spike! The game comes alive in the pages of Volleyball magazine. Each issue, designed for the player in you, includes profiles of the game's top stars, reviews of new equipment and gear, tips on how to play a better game, as well as calendars and coverage of competitions everywhere.

Runner's World
Runner's World

As low as $1.83 per issue!
RunnerÆs World is the world's leading running magazine. YouÆll be training for a marathon in no time! Read about great training tips, interesting sports medicine breakthroughs, nutrition news, races & more. Whether youÆre a rookie runner or youÆve been running marathons for years, if youÆre a running enthusiast, youÆll love and benefit from RunnerÆs World.

Running Times
Running Times

As low as $1.50 per issue!
Running Times is the magazine for serious runners. YouÆll benefit and learn from useful training tips, important nutrition news and facts and sports medicine. YouÆll run to mark your calendar with the national race schedule of running events. Whether you are a recreational runner and run as a leisure activity or you run because you know itÆs important for your health, youÆll enjoy this very important publication.


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